David Barrett

I am the youngest son of Larry and Lydabelle Barrett, missionaries to Brazil through BIMI since 1976. I was born in Brazil and came to know the Lord as my Savior at a young age, when I was 7 years old. I was called for full time Christian service when I was still a child and then called for missions as an early teen. All my life, I have helped and served with my family in the mission work in Brazil. I graduated from Instituto Bíblico Batista Emanuel, a Bible institute from our main church in Brazil which was founded by my father and went on to study languages and linguistics in a Brazilian university to improve my knowledge of the Portuguese language to be able to translate Godly Christian material into Portuguese. I was ordained in 2016 and have worked as an assistant pastor, as well as a helper in a new church plant. I was also working as a high school English teacher to support my family as I was serving in the ministry. After my Dad’s passing due to Covid 19, the Lord spoke to my heart to fully commit to missions, with undivided attention.
Aline Barrett

My full name is Aline Luzia Aparecida Massari Barrett. I have this name because my family were devout Catholics, and these names were in honor of Brazil’s patron saint, Aparecida. However, my husband’s parents, Larry and Lydabelle Barrett, who were missionaries to Brazil through BIMI, won my parents to the Lord when they started their ministry in Jundiaí, São Paulo, many years ago, and almost all my family is saved today! When I was 6 years old, I trusted in Christ as my Savior. Since I was a child, I have always felt a burden and desire to help in all church activities. When I was 12 years old, I attended a camp for girls, and there I met a missionary to Africa, and I felt God calling me to give my life to missions. Later, at the age of 17 at a missions’ conference, I felt God calling me again. I decided to get a college degree in Social Work so I could help people on the mission field. In Brazil, as a socialist country, many times you need to have a degree in Social Work (with a Biblical worldview) to be able to get in certain places and work with people in vulnerable situations. And to this day God has placed a burning desire in my heart to work in missions. I also graduated from Bible School in the main church in Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil, and have committed many years to studying the piano and organ and have used this ability for the ministry.